insulation felt

Floor Soundproofing Materials
With Palikar products in different materials that you can use in many environments, you can prevent impacts and vibrations by increasing the sound insulation between floors with suitable insulation...

Acoustic Felt Panel
Acoustic felt panel made from 100% recycled (PET) polyester fibers for walls and ceilings.

Wood Wool Acoustic Panel
Wood wool cement board for acoustic and insulation.

Wooden Slatted Panel Over Felt
Acoustic felt panel made from 100% recycled (PET) polyester with wooden slats.

Ceiling Soundproofing Materials
The sound insulation to be applied on the ceiling should generally be suitable for the purpose of preventing airborne and vibration-related sounds. With ceiling sound insulation, you can prevent some...

Wall Soundproofing Materials
Wall insulation is very important to ensure peace and quiet. Today's technologies, the vehicles we use and environmental noise seriously affect our social and business lives. With Palikar products,...