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New International Collaboration of Building Catalog: MATEK

New International Collaboration of Building Catalog: MATEK

With the collaboration of Building Catalog and Matek, Building Catalog has acquired a new partner to announce the news and developments in the Turkish building sector on international channels. Matek platform, which broadcasts the developments in the building sector in real-time, brings together building news to a large audience that has a say in the sector.

Matek, which broadcasts both nationally and internationally, is visited by 20,000 people every month. The national audience majority is followed by visitors from the United States, Canada and Australia and Asia. Additionally, more than 10,000 people click on the e-mails Matek send monthly. The audience of Martek consists of experts, entrepreneurs, architects, civil engineers and decision makers in the building industry.

Building Catalog's member companies gain the right to increase their visibility and stand out in an international channel through the collaboration between Building Catalog and Matek. It is easier to reach people in the international arena through Matek, whose audience consists of architects, civil engineers, building experts, and decision-makers in the sector. Turkish building material manufacturers would share their improvements through the Building Catalog and add a new media tool for their international promotion and marketing tools.

To get to know more about the platform, please check: https://matek.ro/international/